Working in a sales position

Posted on September 29, 2015 at 8:30 pm

If you are looking to move in to a sales position then there are some points to consider to ensure that the career path is right for you.

  • Time – Often sales jobs can be a little anti-social. It may be that you are expected to work later in the evenings or weekends when sales to the public mostly take place.
  • Travel – Some sales jobs involve a lot of travel. This may be travelling locally to see clients or suppliers or you may even have to venture abroad for a number of weeks / months to oversee a new project or receive training to help you with your sales role.
  • Pay – Some sales jobs come with quite a low base salary. This is because the majority of your money is earned through the sales you make. So if you do not sell anything, you will not make a lot of money. Some of the best sales people more than triple their basic salary with commission and / or bonuses.

Posted in employment